Tag Archives: #thankfulthursdays

Thankful Thursday

Sunflower and barn ~For The Love of Expression

This day is already off to a great start. Dressed, showered and hair dried before 8:30, woot! Also, Harper slept till 6:30, which is great since 4:30/5 has been her new wake up time for the last few weeks. Fingers crossed that it continues. Here’s my list! 1. My brother in-law Joey got accepted into grad school and I could not be more proud! Your going to rock it Joe! 2. Scooters, yep the custard place. On the really crazy days, nothing makes me happier than to sit down with a cup of their custard. It’s the simple things I tell you! 3. Quiet conversations on the couch with my hubby after a long day. 4. My morning quiet times. Recently I have experienced a lot of anxiety after my morning prayer and bible time. After talking with my mentor, I enlisted a couple of people to pray for me during this time and it has made such a huge difference. God is good! 5. My cousin Britt was in town this past weekend. It is always refreshing when she visits. She was a huge help with H and we had a lot of girl time, which was great! Enjoy this beautiful Thursday and feel free to leave what your thankful for this week in the comments. ~Whit

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Thankful Thursday


Well it’s officially spring and with that comes rain and thunderstorms! I am so excited that all the black nasty crud on the grass and side of the road will be washed away. Pretty soon the grass will be green and the trees will be budding, I can’t wait! I am so excited for this weekend because we have nothing planned. No travel plans, no appointments, no commitments, nothing!! This will be the first weekend in almost a month where we will all be home together. I’m hoping the weather plays along so that we can take our first walk to Scooters (best custard ever!!!) with Harper. Here’s hoping the weather man is right.

Here is my list…

1. I am so thankful for a loving mentor who is a constant encouragement and a great example of how a godly woman/wife/mother should be. I got to spend some time with her this past weekend and I left feeling uplifted and with a game plan.

2. We made our trip back from the Mitten this weekend without any major traffic, if you live in Chicago you know this is nothing short of a miracle.

3. Windowsill gardens. I am in the process of planning mine right now, so far I have seeds for chives and lettuce.

4. My hubby who went out of his way to get me a latte yesterday after we ran out of coffee. He knows I need my coffee in the morning to get going. :)

5. My new “window seat.” If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw the picture I posted of my new window seat/my bed. I’m loving this new space to spend my morning in.

How has your week been? Feel free to share in the comments.


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